Thursday, July 06, 2017

Home sweet home

Breakfast has been served, and it feels more like a lazy Sunday morning. I don't know if I've ever cooked bacon in this house. But bacon was cooked, and breakfast was had.

We arrived early afternoon yesterday, and Dom was pretty overwhelmed, having not felt sunshine on his skin for 3 solid weeks. He donned a gardening hat and a mask and walked the drive, taking in all the sights and sounds.

We found a gift tucked in the door to the barn that made us both cry. Someone has donated such a sum, that we were knocked off our feet. I'm not sure if they want to be outed in name, so I'll just say we are forever grateful to them; and to everyone. Not just for money gifts, but for loving and caring for us.  Just returning home to my lovingly maintained garden, and well fed kitty faces was love.

And as we fell into our groove at home, it felt at times like I was the flash, or some other cartoon. I was buzzing around between house and barn doing all the things, and then I'd look at him just soaking in the sun, become human and check in with him. Then I'd go back to zipping around, and this happened throughout the day. He just looked so serene and I must have looked like a pile of clouds and lightening bolts.

I prepared the house, but one can never be totally prepared. There's still things I just didn't think about until we were in it. We just can't be too careful. I've said this before, but all the things that I allowed before, with the thought of building up immunity, just cannot happen right now.  I've washed my hands a thousand times, in hopes of keeping all germs at bay.

Dom just remarked that now the bed feels like a safe space. As ready as we both were to go home, he had really mixed emotions about leaving his cocoon of safety in the hospital.

We live on well water, so I've had to think a lot of our daily life through. I mentioned before we have access to reverse osmosis treated water. I have bottles of distilled water in the fridge ready for him. What I did not initially anticipate, is the fear of even brushing his teeth with well water. So, off shopping I went, with another list. I went to the aisle I've spurned so many times before. The paper-goods....I bought little tiny dixie cups for brushing his teeth with treated water, and a little dispenser, because I have to make things doable. I don't know why it conjured up images of the Brady Bunch for me, but little dixie cups in a dispenser is everything early 70's to me. And while I do not want to baby my man, his immune system is far more fragile than an infant's.

I sometimes wish at this juncture that we lived at my Grandma's. She is not alive anymore, but she is always vivid to me. She had allergies, so her house really was the bubble we'd need. Zipped up tight and clear of plants and flowers. Alas, we love our country cottage, and hope it brings emotional healing where it may fall short of convenient.

I went to the pharmacy also yesterday to pick up his home meds. I was that person. The one that has multiple prescriptions and they have to enter our insurance information because Dom is a new customer, and it takes a very long time. The line snaked down the aisle and I made myself smaller. But I got his meds. And again, thankful for insurance.

So today, he'll continue to enjoy home. He'll read what people have recommended, and relay to me ideas on the pursuit of health and a good diet. (I have several packets of information and tabs open on the neutropenic diet, which is for people with no immune system, and sometimes they contradict each other. So, we always lean toward what is more strict.) I'll be donning my cloud and lightening bolt suit to tackle the rest of transforming our home into a bubble.

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