Monday, May 20, 2024

Alexander moves to Australia (or Iceland)



Having always been enthralled with Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, I like to laugh at the absurdity of bad days. Or weeks. Or years. Because, if you know the book, there's always Australia (or Iceland). 😉
*Please, only read this with a sense of humor* No sad faces please.
Wednesday was our 10th anniversary. Yes! 10 years. 7 of which have been dealing with disease, doctors, hospitalizations, and finally, the dreaded Covid. We're waiting for our prize.
We've been squirreled away. Limited contact with the outside world. We're a little feral.
We got very excited about a restaurant getting rave reviews for its gluten free pizza. Dom had just lamented ever having a good pizza again given his restrictions. Then I heard about this place. It has an expansive patio, and we thought we'd risk it for lunch. And if it was too risky, we'd have a picnic nearby. (Dom is still high rick for Covid and Measles as well.)
I packed our cooler with drinks to be prepared.
I pulled out a summer dress I'd bought at Christmas and had tucked away for warm days. I was so excited to have an occasion to wear not just a dress but the dress I'd pined for, for some time before nabbing it in an outrageous sale.
I slipped it over my head and noticed as it shimmied over my shoulders, a giant hole in the back.
A brand new dress kept in a protective bag. Damaged.
I'm a sensitive sort, and it was difficult to not feel a lot of it's not fair. Life is hard. Why me. Over a dress. But wait.
We hopped in the car, sun shining, smiling, anticipating our first date in 7 years. No really.
And then, the car died at a full stop. Huh. I must have stalled it. (Proud driver of a manual here.) Only. It happened again at the next stop. And again. And so, we turned home,
The next day we'd have to be in Sacramento for Dom's treatment. We didn't have time to take the car to a repair shop. Dom did a little research. Went with best case scenario. Fiddled with the oil dipstick, heard a pop, drove up and down the drive with no problem. We decided he'd fixed the problem. Anyone who thinks we're negative nellies does not know the amount of positive thinking we exert on the regular. But our denial/positive thinking got us to Glen Ellen before I ruefully turned the car back toward home.
Mom raced from her house 40 minutes away at the ready and we made it to the appointment just an hour and a half late. Because here's why we didn't cancel our appointment: Dom is their favorite. There was a training happening and they always juggle Dom in on those days because he is so easy going and has the best veins. It's a thing.
And here's why I don't want any sad faces. I got to spend time with my mom and in Ikea. We had cinnamon rolls. (Nicky's are a billion times better, but when in Rome.)
We were an hour and a half late, but only half an hour later than usual headed back home. Neat how time works.


We got home to no internet. Someone accidentally cut it. I had a bit of work to catch up on, but had to postpone. I was so frazzled by Friday. I got up early and fed the chickens. A task Dom is usually happy to do. I wandered down to the fish pond/tank after feeding, as it always makes my heart happy. (This is an old photo being enamored with the fish.) On this morning, it did not make my heart happy. The barn is being painted and having minor repairs. Woodpeckers have been tucking acorns in the roof. Someone scraped the acorns out only to fall into the pond. The tannins would leach out and kill the goldfish. I immediately began fishing out acorns and detritus, bailing out water and giving it a spring clean. And we laughed, because what else am I supposed to do without the internet?!
I was feeling real sorry for myself Wednesday, as we were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary.
But by Friday, having run back and forth between house and barn cleaning the tank, fixing the internet, (we currently have 100 feet of cable running across the drive connecting me to you), I didn't have the energy to feel much of anything but grateful for the tub of ice cream in the freezer and the husband I would still say yes to, even knowing what we'd be in for.
The dress is being exchanged.
We have the $ to repair the car. (Rats are chewing through wires. Ugh. Country living!)
We made it to the doctor.
The internet is (mostly) running.
I'll get more goldfish.
We'll get to that restaurant.
*Dom is still with me.*
The traditional 10 year anniversary gift is tin or aluminum symbolizing resiliency. Maybe I'll start calling Dom my tin man. Only, he does have a heart. And that my friends is what it's all about.

This photo was captioned: Sometimes when you're on your knees pulling weeds near sunset and you look up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing couple. I love you both. Happy Anniversary! XX