Monday, July 26, 2021

 One of my guilty pleasures is a Hallmark Channel tv show where things always seem to turn out just right. When the town needed a new something and the money wasn't in the budget, magically, a young intern decided to go through some old dusty accounting ledgers in the attic and an old bank account was discovered containing just the amount of money needed. It's like magic. I loved the idea of money turning up just when it was needed.

Last month, I was being really raw and honest. It was important to me that people understand our journey is not over.

But along the journey, there's always room for sweetness and light.

Some people say we must make room for good things. I don't think that's true. There's always room for goodness. You just need eyes to see.

The next step for Dominic's eyes was special contact lenses. The theory is they protect his own lenses from damage that his own system can no longer accomplish due to his new immune system attacking them. This prognosis was not made lightly. He climbed the ranks of specialists and tried numerous treatments before landing here. Insurance denied coverage for this. We decided to pay out of pocket because this is so important to Dom's quality of life. It is more than an artist keeping his vision, which alone is tremendous, it is also a pain management solution.  He went in for a fitting and just having contacts in for a short while brought immediate relief. He was really looking forward to acquiring his new lenses and being able to see, and more importantly, see with less discomfort.

In the interim of the fitting and his contacts being made, a dear friend of ours asked if she could bring something to us. We thought she'd be bringing a homemade meal or pastries. We sat outside and she told us this story. 

She's a part of a group of talented women artists, the 428 Collective. They've been together for years and support one another and their work. Somewhere along the line, they'd opened a bank account for their endeavors. Over time, especially Covid time, the account was forgotten, the world shut down and art shows were on hold for a while. The bank called one of the account holders and instructed that if the account remained inactive, the money would be turned over to the state. So they talked amongst themselves about this forgotten cache and decided to have a dinner with the proceeds. What a gorgeous dinner it looks like. After the year we have all had, how delightful it must have been to gather and connect. This alone makes me happy. Where lovely, strong women gather, beautiful things happen.

The expenditure for the dinner did not exhaust all the money in the account. As they sat around under the twinkling lights they discussed how to spend the rest of this unearthed treasure. Some of the ladies know Dominic, and he had come up in conversation for updates on his health. It was decided then, that the remainder of the money should go to Dominic. It was almost exactly enough to cover the lenses, with a little more leftover to buy the solutions to go with the lenses.

I will leave each of you to name this goodness what you will. For me, I am ever so grateful we are seen and cared for, and our needs are covered from the most unexpected places. 

Thank you 428 Collective for your generosity. Thank Goodness for generosity and kindness and love and compassion.

Post Script: The contacts are in and they are providing relief and protection. Dom is beyond happy.


Unknown said...

I love this -- there are indeed Angels right here, right now. Yay for the ladies and YAY for Dom for once again being able to see the world clearly and without pain. xx Ellie

Glo worm said...

So uplifting! Thank you for sharing this amazing story.