Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Rant, if you will

I usually like to keep this blog light hearted, free from judgement and full of, well, grace.
This morning, I read something that I am struggling with.
Just a couple days ago, the retailer Target released a designer line that had so much on line traffic it temporarily crashed their system. Sounds like good news, right? Our economy needs recharging.
The designer clothes are lesser quality, so can be offered at lower prices. Great. People snatched up quantities at a time, and are now selling them on sites like eBay, for 3-4 times the original price.
It's appalling to me that we are such a greedy status conscious society that we want what we want regardless. The clothes are priced so low in the first place because often, they are manufactured with slave labor.
Why don't we cut out the middle man, and the slave labor, and take our money to local crafters. Instead of owning what everyone else owns, why not buy something straight from the crafter? I was just in a yarn shop yesterday and saw the most exquisite sweaters. Sure, they don't have status conscious labels, but they were beautiful, and likely made with love and not hate.
I know, there's all kinds of arguments for capitalism and blah blah blah. I'd just like to see people care more about their fellow man than a silly fashion statement that lasts for ten minutes. I should add here, I'm as guilty as the next guy...but I am trying.
I've never asked before, but I would really like your comments.


Anonymous said...

I think you're right on target (no pun) in wishing for more American artisans and manufacturing to be our focus. The melee at Target was over Missoni products, and as long as people value the "perceived" individuality of a brand (so ironic) this will happen, even with green and fair trade items.

Free 2 Work and I believe, IJM or Internation Justice Mission list available supply chains but you can write/ call directly to companies to find out if they've searched their chains for slave labor.

Because Americans are used to artificailly low prices and generally are not willing or can not make the sacrifices to buy the higher, domestic produced items, I recomend thrifting. 90% of my wardrobe comes from Goodwill and Salvation Army. Yes, I'm fortunate that I have a lot of stores dumping last year's merchandise with the tags still on as well as used (which I have plenty of, but at least I'm not contributing to their bottom line. I also try to limit how many peice I have. Can I go 6 months to a year without purchasing more than essentials? Regardless, we all have to find our niche, where WE feel comfortable confronting the problem. Food, clothes, furnishings, etc. You're on your journey!

LOVE you!!!

yogamat said...

That is what I call rabid consumerism. I can see this starting out @ Target in the best way; bringing Art-to-the-masses, making the superlative accessible. It's funny how easily our intentions get distorted once they are implemented. +1 JZ : Lytton Springs "Sal's" is a semi-weekly ritual for my family, the mall is a rare excursion. The truth, ugly I know, is we live here in America with comforts derived from copius amounts of foreign labor. My own is

Cassandra said...

Thanks for your input. I appreciate it. I need to get up to Sal's by the way. One of these days!

Beth said...

I wish I had something long and profound to say, but I don't except I totally agree!!!